Keep Snohomish in Bloom
Summer in downtown Snohomish just wouldn't be the same without our iconic and stunning flower baskets! And thanks to donors like you, Snohomish will once again have flower baskets for the 2024 season. By partnering with the Historic Downtown Snohomish Association, the Snohomish Garden Club, and the City of Snohomish, you can help ensure that Snohomish stays in bloom all summer long. This year, our goal is to raise at least $15,000. Give what you can, knowing your contribution is essential!
For businesses that wish to sponsor a basket at the $500* level, HDSA will highlight your business as an official sponsor on our web page and will give you additional shout-outs on social media and our monthly newsletter.
Thank you to Mara Powers for creating our 2024 Flower Basket Poster Art. Mara's art will be featured on the business sponsor poster, in downtown Snohomish directories, and on our social media pages and newsletter! You can also view her art on the windows at Thompson and Guildner on Cedar Avenue, across from the Snohomish Carnegie Building
2024 Business Sponsors

Make your donation
below, thank you!

*Note: At checkout your total will also include the payment processing fees and a 10% tip to the Givebutter platform. While we would appreciate your generosity in helping us cover the payment processing fees, you can remove them from your total by simply selecting "Edit" and unchecking the box. To edit the tip, choose "Other" from the drop-down menu and enter the amount you wish to pay. Again, your generosity is appreciated as they do not charge for this basic service.